Truth, Justice and Coffee

We all want to achieve. We want the truth, we want justice. But above all, we want our coffee. Coffee is the fuel that powers our quest for truth and justice. Let the world know that you are in pursuit of truth, justice and coffee by ordering your own tshirt by clicking here to order yours.

Get your tshirt now. Order today. There are no free steak knives.

Get your tshirt now. Order today. There are no free steak knives, only the deep satisfying feeling that comes from knowing you’ve helped.

PS. I wanted a tshirt, but couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I’ve made it here. If the goal is reached (50 tshirts) at teespring, then they’ll make ‘em. Go on, I know you want one, order one for yourself and your neighbour. While you’re at it, get one for your neighbours nephew too.

This offer/campaign ends May 22nd 2014.

Written on May 3, 2014