Editing Microsoft Office Documents on the iPad

I got asked on the weekend about what do I use on the iPad to edit Microsoft documents.

I’ve been using an iPad (the ‘new iPad’ or the ‘iPad 3’ depending on who you talk to) and have been needing to both create and edit Microsoft Office Word and Excel documents.

I’ve tried using Google Apps but have found that it just wasn’t that easy, and I had to be online, which wasn’t a problem most of the time, but occasionally was quite frustrating if the connection was either slow or non-existent.

So I hunted around for a native app, and ended up with Quick Office HD, which is perhaps the most expensive app I’ve bought. However, it has proven to be very well spent money.

I’ve been able to open existing files, create new ones, save them to a Dropbox folder and either have them available on my workstation or laptop, or email a colleague a link to the file. This has proved to be a great combination (Quick Office HD and Dropbox).

As it so happens, Quick Office has been acquired by Google, so I’m hopeful that sometime in the near future a better option will exist for Google Doc’s.

Written on October 29, 2012