Getting ifttt to add to RTM

If that headline made sense to you, then you’re in the right place :)

ifttt recipe for adding a task to Remember The Milk]

The problem I had is that ifttt doesn’t by default integrate with RTM.

So I’ve come up with a way that creates a new RTM task for me whenever there is a new item in a particular RSS feed.

We create a ifttt recipe that:

  • When there is a new item in the specified RSS feed.
  • Will send me an email with a unique subject line.
  • Our email program (GMail in my case) has a filter set to look for that unique subject line and then forward that email to our special RTM email address (see this page for help with the RTM email stuff).

I’ve used [RTMwithSOMEuniqueLETTERS] as my subject line so that nothing will accidentally happen.

RTM (Remember The Milk) and ifttt have a bunch of features that I wish the Sage ACT! or SugarCRM task lists would emulate (or buy), it’s this sort of automation that can become very handy.

Written on April 20, 2012